The following recently completed matters are representative of our practice. Services performed include jury research exercises, general trial strategy and theme development consultation, witness preparation, opening statement assistance, jury selection and advice during jury trials and bench hearings.
Multi-billion dollar federal class-action securities fraud litigation in the life sciences sector alleging fraudulent financial reporting and insider trading, venued in the Northeast.
Multi-billion dollar federal class-action securities fraud litigation in the insurance sector alleging fraudulent financial reporting in periodic reports, venued in the Mid-Atlantic.
Significant federal class-action securities litigation in the social media sector following one of the largest initial public offerings in history, venued in the Northeast.
Multi-million dollar federal class-action securities litigation in the life sciences sector, venued in Silicon Valley.
Federal action alleging market manipulation re exchange-traded derivatives, venued in the Midwest.
Sarbanes-Oxley whistleblower retaliation action in the financial services sector, venued in federal court in the Northeast.
Federal trademark and unfair competition action in the life sciences sector, venued in the Northeast.
Federal copyright action in the bioengineering sector, venued in the Northeast.
Legal malpractice action alleging conflict of interest and negligent advice regarding asset protection and real estate transactions, venued in state court in the Southeast.
Commercial lease dispute in the transportation sector, venued in state court on the West Coast.
Action by a former band member and co-composer against an international performance art company over disputed royalties, venued in state court in the Northeast.
Contractual dispute over supply agreement in the life sciences sector, venued in state court in the Northeast.
Federal civil action alleging violations of the 1st and 4th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution by a government agency, venued in the Northeast.
International contractual dispute in the financial services sector, venued in federal court in the Northeast.
Given the highly sensitive nature of our typical engagements, and enduring confidentiality obligations, we do not publish case or client lists. But after clearing a conflict check, we would be pleased to provide references tailored toward your case or venue of interest.