Solutions tailored to your unique case needs, budget and timeline
On complex, high-stakes litigation, David Perrott & Associates may be involved from pre-filing through to verdict. Such engagements typically entail iterative phases of strategy development and testing to guide and maintain a strong case story as the evidentiary landscape evolves. Other times, our assignment may be more discrete: help an important deponent or witness prepare to testify, sharpen an opening statement or help counsel maximize the strategic opportunities of jury selection.
Whatever the circumstances, we will work with your team to define the type and scope of consultation that best suits your case needs, budget and timeline. Contact us for more information about any of these services.
Curated teams of seasoned professionals
For focus groups, mock trials and mock bench/arbitration studies, we curate a team of seasoned supporting consultants from our national network based upon their case and venue experience. When working with David Perrott & Associates, you are truly benefiting from the synergy of the diverse wisdom and perspectives of a team of seasoned professionals.
Case Evaluation and Theme Development
Whether you are at the outset of a case or drawing close to trial, we'll help you put your best foot forward. We draw on our matter and venue experience to advise as to likely fact-finder perceptions of case strengths, weaknesses, and potential themes. We base this analysis upon prior review of case materials and discussion with you regarding what's troubling you about the case.
Jury Focus Groups and Mock Trials
We understand the different pressures and concerns that may drive your need for some type of jury research exercise, whether you are on a compressed or extended timeline. We will work with you to tailor a solution with all of this in mind. From large-scale multi-phased multi-day jury research exercises to single- or half-day focus groups, our team has you covered nationally.
We conduct the exercises at focus group facilities or hotels in or adjacent to the venue, using rigorously recruited respondents matched to the jury pool demographics. Each jury panel is monitored by a seasoned jury consultant, and we offer wireless data collection technology.
Community Attitude Surveys and Venue Polling
We poll a large number of jury-eligible adults in your trial venue, online or via telephone, to find out what they know and think that's relevant to your case and how they might react to it.
Mock Bench Trials and Mock Arbitrations
Judges and arbitrators aren't subject-matter experts in all things. Beyond that, they are still susceptible to the same kinds of biases in complex information evaluation and decision-making as us mere mortals. In the arbitral setting, you may be under particularly intense pressure to make the most persuasive case presentation possible given the typical one-shot finality of this adjudication.
In deftly litigated bench trials and arbitrations where success or failure may hinge upon a mere nuance in the law or evidence, rely on us to help you test and refine arguments and explanations, generate compelling themes and discover blind spots ahead of time.
These exercises are like mock jury trials and focus groups, but with surrogate judges or arbitrators matched as closely as possible to your assigned ones. We typically run these exercises over a full day at a focus group facility located wherever is most convenient for the trial team and surrogate adjudicators.
Evaluation and Preparation of Deponents and Witnesses
We understand the worry that a wayward deponent or witness can cause you -- the risk of loss of control over your client's case story, especially for an inexperienced or vulnerable witness in the crosshairs of a wily opposing counsel.
From crucial C-suite and expert witnesses to fish-out-of-water fact and foreign witnesses, we work with you and the witness to enhance their ability to testify clearly, accurately and persuasively for deposition, trial direct or cross examination.
Voir Dire Preparation and Jury Selection Assistance
It is difficult even for experienced litigators to accumulate significant jury selection experience. But we have it. Based on review of case materials, discussion with you and, optimally, results of a large-scale venue survey or jury research exercise, we prepare a strike profile of likely types of unfavorable and favorable jurors, proposed voir dire questions and, where feasible, a supplemental juror questionnaire. Where appropriate, we conduct and evaluate the results of background searches on potential jurors. We assist you in court with jury selection to maximize strategic advantage in uncovering and obtaining excusal of biased jurors.
Opening Statement and Closing Argument Assistance
Considering the jury pool, case issues, evidence and your personal style, we assist you in drafting, refining and rehearsing your opening statement and closing argument to maximize the persuasive impact of these crucial opportunities to win over your audience.
Trial Monitoring and Shadow Juries
Trials are grueling. With divided responsibilities across the trial team and each lawyer's intense focus on successful execution of their part, it can be difficult for the team as a whole to keep track of the ongoing, big-picture impact on the find-finder as the trial unfolds.
We can be your expert eyes and ears. We observe during trial and advise you outside of live court, with or without input from shadow jurors, to help you maintain focus, clarity and momentum with the jury or other decision-maker.
Our trial monitoring experience extends to observation and advice during important bench hearings.
Post-Trial Juror Interviews
Whether you win or lose at trial, we understand that it can be challenging for you in several respects to obtain honest, systematic feedback from your jurors. Where permitted after verdict, we can objectively interview your jurors and systematically analyze the findings to assess and report to you what worked, what didn't and why.